A lesson from "String of Tears" plant! 19/6/2022

One weekend I woke up with a feeling of sadness. I had an argument with a close friend and it gave me a feeling of extreme sadness. Nothing I did, would cheer me up. Somebody had said something to me and I had taken it to heart. Somebody close to me had put a label on me and I had taken it as though it were true. This negative feeling would not leave me. I engaged in self pity all day, feeling miserable.

The next morning I woke up and went about my daily chores, still feeling sad. When I was moving my “String of Tears plant” from the table to wipe the table, one small part of it got detached from the main plant.

I felt bad! so I picked the little piece of “string of tears” and looked at it. It looked so perfect. I admired the shape and structure. Originally Intended to buy “ String of Pearls”, while buying the plant, when my husband chose this plant and I thought to myself “ The leaves do not look as rounded as they are supposed to be!” but did not say anything. When I came home, I saw the name” String of tears” , I felt a little disappointed but it was beautiful so I thought” Never mind, next time I will get my string of pearls!”

I could not let this little detached piece of plant just wither away. Yes , it was separated from its source but was still alive and beautiful. I filled a bottle of water and put the detached part in the bottle. After some days I saw that new roots were coming from the plant and I felt that I had managed to save it. The little part of the plant was delicate no doubt, but resilient.

Then a thought popped in my head “We are all creations coming from source energy!” We must have been created with so much love and we ourselves start engaging in self criticism. When someone says negative things, we take it on. That is not right!! Each and every creation is divine, coming from the source. When we get detached from source energy we forget our identity. But we are all part of the whole. So first we should appreciate ourselves as we are. Once we accept and love our selves then we will learn to love everything around us as is. This simple thought changed my perspective completely and I started feeling happy again!