We thought we had Time!

And we thought……
We had all the time in the world,
to be just a little self centred
to buy just that one more car
and that new sofa…
What about that new ripped jeans
And get the balayage done
Or maybe a new coat this winter
Travel the high seas
See New York, Egypt and Greece!

Hey but what about the soul’s desire?
to do something for inner peace
to write a book
Which the world could use

To be there for someone abused

I shall do that one day
When I have my share
Of my heart’s desires!
Then I will do something for the community
Sit and write letters to my friends and do things that are not for me but for others!

Say a kind word to my mum
Write a loving note to my husband
Tell my kids how much I love them
Tell my grand daughter she makes my day!
But we do not know what is going to happen in the next hour!
All we have is just this moment now

We used to have so much time before…..
But now,
Waves of uncertainty
Crash through my door

Why worry my friend
There is still time for more

For the next moment is still mine!
I can seize it and live it for my purpose
And find truly what my heart wants to do

So when I go to my real home
I don’t have to carry a thing
I land there with happiness and joy
And my earth family says
“ It was God’s will!”
She was happy and fulfilled!
Doing what her heart desired!

And this lesson was learnt by humanity…..
To value what we have
Is here and now
To do what is possible this moment now
Not wait for the perfect weather, time, clothes
Just do it now!
Tick it off
Things you want to say
Skills you want to learn
Stories you want to share
And tell the world
Finish your paintings
Do your dancing
Marry your soulmate
Don’t you waste time

Focus on what is important
Conserve your energy for meaningful things in life
The secret is to give
And not take

Travel light through the journey of life
So you can hop off anytime you are asked to
Why carry the burdens
Of being a victim
Shed off the perception
That you thought
What others were thinking
Because others were too immersed
In their own little dreams
To judge you and say mean things.

Shake it off and walk away!
For there is no time to waste
The virus may strike any day!

Sapna Yadav

Photo by Dan Azzopardi on Unsplash 06/04/2020